Play together - Stay together

Welcome to caniAmis! I'm delighted you found your way here. At last, you can stop the endless search for solutions... they're all here! 🎉

For Puppies

Polite Pups

A six week puppy training course designed to give your puppy all the basic skills they need.

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For Dogs With Behaviour Concerns

Calm Dog Calm Home

A 40 day behaviour makeover designed to nip your dog's unwanted behaviour in the bud.

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For Dogs Who Pull On Lead

Power Pullers

A self-paced course with online support to teach your dog to walk nicely on lead.

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For Premium Behaviour Support

Behaviour Support

Bespoke one-to-one training support for your dog.

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I imagine you've found yourself here for one of three reasons... 

  1. You're the proud owner of a cutesy new pup and you want to set them off on the right track using fun, kind, and respectful training methods.
  2. You've just welcomed a rescue dog into your home, they've arrived with some baggage and you'd like to help them settle in as quickly as possible.
  3. You've had your dog a while, but you're not really enjoying your life with them. Their behaviour's a constant battle - it's upsetting, frustrating, and sometimes just downright embarrassing. It's not at all what you imagined when you first thought about getting a dog, but you just don't know where to turn to next.

The good news is that if you want to prevent your dog from continuing (or learning from scratch) any of the following behaviours, you're in the right place!...

  • Barking frequently
  • Pulling or thrashing about on lead 
  • Not coming back when called 
  • Reacting badly to other dogs, people, or vehicles 
  • Jumping up at visitors 
  • Taking or eating items they shouldn't have 
  • Chasing people or moving objects 
  • Showing distress or destroying things when you leave them alone 
  • Whining, barking, howling, or sickness in the car
  • Guarding resources or family members

Whether your dog is already an expert at these behaviours, or whether you just want to make sure they don't ever start these habits, we need to teach them some basic concepts so they're able to make really good behaviour choices.

Who am I and how can I help you?

Hello! I'm Hazel, and this is Jack, my cheeky demo dog. Jack came to me from a refuge with just about every behaviour challenge you can imagine. So, I truly understand what you're going through, and I'm here to help with solutions that work!

My mission is simple: to ensure no dog-human relationship is ever lost. I support overwhelmed dog owners like you in becoming the best guardian for your dog, no matter how challenging the behaviour might be. Together, we can create the joyful life you envisioned when you first brought your dog home.

Want to know more?  Watch this 30 minute interview to find out more about me, my reactive rescue Jack, and how I can help you with your dog.

What methods will we use to transform your dog's behaviour?

Unlike traditional dog training, games-based concept training is based on the most up to date scientific research.  It takes a holistic approach to teaching your dog the skills they need to make successful behaviour choices in real-life situations.  

This means arming yourself with the right tools and knowledge so that you can teach your dog the skills they need to navigate life successfully, whilst at the same time learning how to manage the environment to set your dog up for success.

It's a journey...

Think of it as a journey, from your starting point now - your dog pulling on lead, reacting badly to other dogs, chasing joggers, etc - whatever your dog's behaviour struggle might be, to where you want to get to - that dream life you had in mind when you first got your dog.

Let yourself dare to dream...

  • Barbecues with friends
  • Coffee in a cafe
  • Dinner in a restaurant
  • Off-leash fun in the park
  • Strolls along the beach
  • Holidays in your motorhome

The possibilities are endless!

Whatever your goal for your dog, I'm here to help you make that dream a reality.

What does the training look like?

Games-based training involves playing quick fun games with your dog, games that you can play in the comfort of your own home and garden, and out and about on walks too!  

These games teach your dog powerful concepts that once learned can help your dog to make really great behaviour choices in real life situations.

We currently work with around 15 concepts! Here are just a few...

What do the games look like?

See me and Jack playing the game FUNder! It's one of Jack's favourites!  There are so many useful reasons to play this game. FUNder...

  • Builds a really positive relationship between you and your dog, which is essential when you're struggling with your dog's behaviour
  • Teaches your dog that access to the world happens through you, which helps prevent them from making poor behaviour choices
  • Decreases the chances of your dog involving themselves in things that are none of their business - such as other people's picnics!
  • Makes you one of the best places in the world for your dog to hang out, so they're always going to want to come back to you

What are people saying about caniAmis?

Contact me

If you have any other questions at all, please do get in touch using the form below

*Mailings are approximately one per week, but may be more when new services are launched. You can unsubscribe quickly and easily at any time.

ACACED Certified (l'Attestation de Connaissances pour les Animaux de Compagnie d’Espèces Domestiques)

Registered with the Ministry of Agriculture & Food

Professional liability insurance provided by HISCOX

Member of the British Psychological Society

Hazel Johnson BSc. (Hons) Psychology, QTS, PDT, ACACED, Cert.French (Open)
caniAmis (EI)
Registered: 53 Rue de la Croix Pierre, 87290 Rancon, France
Tel: +33 (0)7 54 47 01 45

SIRET: 822 957 494 00013